G.R.A.C.E. Foundation of New York

By David J. Flynn, DDS

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates an average of 1 in 110 children fall somewhere on the autism spectrum. Autism spectrum disorders are developmental disabilities that present with difficulties in social development, behavior, and communication abilities. Doctors typically diagnose autism spectrum disorders by the time a child reaches the age of three. The degree of disability ranges from mild to very severe, which is why the condition is diagnosed along a spectrum. The disorder often has a marked impact on families and children.

The G.R.A.C.E. (Getting Resources for Autistic Children’s Equality) Foundation seeks to serve these children and families, helping enhance their qualities of life. I serve as a board member for the G.R.A.C.E. Foundation and fully support its mission. Among the many programs the foundation offers to help families are in-home respite care, which provides quality care to children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders when their parents need it; social skills programs based on the most current research and techniques that teach skills via practice and positive reinforcement; support groups, and recreational opportunities.

The foundation hosts many fundraisers, such as dinner dances and the touch-a-truck event, which allows kids to get up close and personal with big trucks. To learn more about our mission, or to support the G.R.A.C.E. Foundation, please visit www.graceofny.org.

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